The birth of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was a moment of immense significance, not just for the Arabian Peninsula but for the entire world. Numerous miraculous events occurred around the time of his birth, reflecting the profound spiritual and divine importance of his arrival.

This article explores the extraordinary signs that took place at the time of the Prophet’s blessed birth, signifying the arrival of the final messenger of Allah (ﷲ).

Miraculous Events at Prophet’s Birth

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was conceived, the idols in the Kaaba and across Arabia began to fall. This act signified the upcoming end of idol worship. According to a narration from Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, when the Prophet’s mother, Hazrat Amina, carried him in her womb, all the idols in the Kaaba toppled over. This symbolic event marked the defeat of paganism and the dawning of monotheism.

Additionally, on the night of the Prophet’s birth, an earthquake shook the Kaaba for three days and nights, witnessed by the Quraish tribe. The tremors indicated that the house of Allah (Kaaba) would soon be purified and reclaimed for its rightful purpose, the worship of the One true God.

Signs in Foreign Kingdoms

During the Prophet’s birth, remarkable events were also observed in the distant lands of Persia and Rome. In Persia, the great palace of the king shook, and fourteen of its solid pillars collapsed. The sacred fire, which had been burning continuously for a thousand years in the Zoroastrian temples, suddenly extinguished, symbolizing the decline of false worship and the rise of true faith. These events served as warnings to the rulers of these empires, foreshadowing the coming of the final Prophet, whose message would challenge their dominion.

A Jewish Scholar’s Prophecy

In Makkah, a Jewish scholar was known for his deep knowledge of scriptures. Upon the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he inquired if a child had been born that day. When informed that Hazrat Abdullah’s wife, Hazrat Amina, had given birth to a son, he immediately declared that the final Prophet of the ummah had been born. The scholar also described a mark of prophethood near the child’s shoulders, indicating his authenticity as the awaited messenger.

When the Quraish accompanied the Jewish scholar to see the child, they found him as described, with the seal of prophethood on his back. Overwhelmed by the sight, the scholar fainted in awe, realizing the gravity of the moment.

Physical Signs at the Prophet’s Birth

Another miraculous aspect of the Prophet’s birth was that he was born already circumcised, and his umbilical cord was severed, which was highly unusual. His eyes appeared to have kohl (antimony) applied, and his body was pure and clean, showing no signs of impurity. According to Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, these signs were a testament to his exceptional status and future greatness. Furthermore, when the Prophet was born, he had his fist clenched but raised his index finger to the sky, seemingly declaring the oneness of Allah (ﷲ) from the moment of his arrival.


The birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was marked by miraculous signs, both physical and spiritual, indicating that the world was about to change forever. The fall of idols, the tremors in the Kaaba, the collapse of palaces in distant lands, and the extinguishing of sacred fires were all clear signs of the impending dawn of Islam. These miracles heralded the beginning of a new era of monotheism and the final message of Allah to humanity.

May Allah grant us the strength to be true lovers and followers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and may we be honored with his intercession on the Day of Judgment. Ameen.


Q: What were the miraculous events that occurred during the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

A: Several miraculous events took place at the birth of the Prophet (PBUH). Idols in the Kaaba fell, an earthquake shook the Kaaba, the palace of the Persian king cracked, and the sacred fire of the Zoroastrians extinguished.

Q: Why did the idols in the Kaaba fall at the time of the Prophet’s birth?

A: The fall of the idols symbolized the end of idol worship and the introduction of monotheism, which would spread through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Q: How did a Jewish scholar in Makkah react to the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

A: The Jewish scholar, upon learning of the birth, immediately recognized that the final Prophet had been born and described the seal of prophethood on his back. He fainted after confirming this sign.

Q: What were the signs in Persia and Rome during the Prophet’s birth?

A: In Persia, the royal palace experienced cracks, and fourteen pillars collapsed. Additionally, the sacred fire of the Zoroastrians, which had been burning for a thousand years, extinguished.

Q: Was there any physical miracle in the Prophet’s birth?

A: Yes, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born circumcised, with his umbilical cord already severed. His eyes appeared lined with kohl, and his body was pure, reflecting his unique and blessed nature.